United Development Company QSC (UDC) is a leading Qatari shareholding company with a mission to identify and invest in long-term projects contributing to Qatar’s growth and providing good shareholder value. Established in 1999, the company was listed on the Qatar Exchange in June 2003. It has an authorized share capital of QR 3.372 billion, total assets of QR 18.764 billion at 31 December 2013 and a market capitalization of QR 7.625 billion.
UDC’s target areas of interest include: infrastructure, real estate, energy-intensive industries, hydrocarbon downstream manufacturing, maritime and environment-related businesses, urban development, utilities, hospitality, retail and fashion, information technology, media and communications, property management, insurance, security and other services. - See more at: http://www.udcqatar.com/English/CorporateProfile/Pages/Overview.aspx#sthash.DflaZiwT.dpuf